
How to interact with the Measurely API using the golang package.

Measurely-go is a lightweight library for interacting with the Measurely API, enabling developers to manage and track custom metrics programmatically using Golang.


To use the Measurely package in your Golang project, you need to import it and initialize it with your Measurely API key.

go get


1. Initialize the Measurely Package

Before you can send any metrics to Measurely, you need to initialize the package with your API key. The Init function accepts your API key as a string and sets it for use in subsequent API calls.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Initialize the Measurely package with your API key

2. Send a Metric (Capture)

The Capture function is used to send metric data to Measurely. You need to pass the metric identifier (which is a unique name or ID for the metric) and the metric value you want to track.

Example of sending a metric

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Initialize the Measurely package with your API key

	// Create a metric payload with value and optional filters
	payload := measurely.CapturePayload{
		Value: 42,
		Filters: map[string]string{
			"environment": "production",
			"region":      "us-east",

	// Capture the metric and get the result
	result := measurely.Capture("example_metric", payload)

	// Handle the result
	if result.Success {
		fmt.Println("Metric captured successfully!")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Error capturing metric:", result.Message)

3. Error Handling

The Capture function returns a CaptureResult struct that contains two fields:

  • Success (bool): Indicates if the API call was successful.
  • Message (string): Contains the response message from the server, which could either be a success message or an error message.

API Reference

Init(NEW_API_KEY string)

  • Description: Initializes the Measurely package with your API key.
  • Parameters:
    • NEW_API_KEY: The API key provided by Measurely.
  • Returns: None.

Capture(metric_identifier string, payload CapturePayload) CaptureResult

  • Description: Sends a metric value to Measurely for tracking.
  • Parameters:
    • metric_identifier: The unique identifier for the metric you are capturing.
    • payload: A CapturePayload struct that contains the metric value to be recorded and optional filters.
  • Returns: A CaptureResult struct that contains the success status and response message.



type CapturePayload struct {
    Value   int               `json:"value"`  // The metric value to be recorded.
    Filters map[string]string `json:"filters"` // Optional filters for categorizing the metric.
  • Description: This struct defines the data payload that is sent to the Measurely API when capturing a metric.
  • Fields:
    • Value (int): The metric value that you want to track.
    • Filters (map[string]string): Optional key-value pairs for categorizing the metric (e.g., "environment": "production").


type CaptureResult struct {
    Success bool   // Indicates if the API call was successful.
    Message string // Contains the server's response or an error message.
  • Description: This struct represents the result of the API call to capture a metric.
  • Fields:
    • Success (bool): Indicates if the metric capture was successful.
    • Message (string): Contains the server's response or an error message.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request to improve the library.


This library is licensed under the MIT License.